Friday, February 03, 2006

I think exhaustion makes me paranoid

This morning, while running Ad-Aware on a company pc - that already has the all-clear from another spyware-blocker - to flush out a spyware infection, it occurred to me that reporting a large number of threats, and then claiming to get rid of them, is excellent reassurance for the user of effectiveness and worth. So why not lie? Justify your cost and show up your competitors in one simple step. Cunning as a bag of stoats.

Then, this afternoon, after a day plagued with internet connectivity problems, a call to BT's support line had the issue resolved in 5 minutes - at £3.62 a minute! The fact that the support guy got me to enter a new network login and password on their router without checking any of the more obvious possibilities first implies that they knew the solution all along, having caused the problem themselves by patching their DNS server last night, but chose to wait until clients called in instead of notifying them, in order to hush up the consequences and make a few easy quid on the side - like £18 a client times their client base.

Or maybe I'm just tired.

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