Friday, September 15, 2006

Inside news about the Wii

I knew that VIP membership that came with the DS would came in handy one day. Well, I didn't, actually, but it has anyway. has gone live in preparation for launch later this year, and although the Europe site is still inactive, it should go live after this afternoon's European announcement. No need to wait, though, because all the same info is available in English on the North American site! If the Metro is to be believed, Nintendo have a pre-Xmas release in mind for the UK as well, at a touted cost of £115. I'm a little sceptical of the price, which seems to be a simple conversion of yesterday's confirmed US price of $250, but we should know more later today.

(later) The news is out, and my suspicions are confirmed. £180! That's $336! Bah, bloody tech companies taking the Brits for a ride as usual. Not that it's going to stop me buying one, but still. BAH! I say. At least it's going to be here before Xmas, a small consolation I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo (from laos)!

woo - wii!

i am desperate for a wii right now (tee hee, snicker, etc).
i'm pretty much set on begging someone who's coming over to visit to bring one over for me (with a stash of games, of course).
an excellent use of our last remaining pounds in our bank accounts.