Thursday, March 03, 2005


As I was walking down Queensway, en route to lunch, I caught a whiff of a delicious smell, which rapidly became a full frontal olfactory assault as I continued on my way. I could swear someone was cooking boerewors in quantities large enough to displace the ubiquitous stench of taxi fumes and roast Peking duck with waves of heavenly sausage scent. Try as I could, I simply couldn't find the source, and has to settle for a sandwich instead, but I must have made quite a sight for the few minutes I simply stood there and tried to take bites out of the air itself.
For anyone not in the know, boerewors is a South African specialty which bears the same relationship to the humble sausage that Häagen-Dazs has to ice-cream. If it's been prepared over an open fire, and dressed liberally with fried onions, and presented on a fresh white roll, it'll take the cake and beat it to death too.

1 comment:

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Ah - the great boerie roll. One of those cravings that, once it has been triggered, just won't quit. Which is a right pain here in London. Yeah, there's plenty of Saffer butchers around, but not anywhere near me. *sob*

Must say though - as a bona fide Ice Cream Diva, I prefer Ben & Jerry's to Haagen Dazs. Less refined, more childish. Yum.