Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Wants to live forever?

Apparently, according to Dr Aubrey de Grey, scientists are within a generation of an immortality breakthrough. Great news, if he's to be believed. That's not the funny bit though. It's people's response to the prospect that had me in hysterics while reading the Metro this morning.
If you start making changes there, where do you stop? Why not add new things like wings and completely change humans?
This reported in a tone of disgust and outrage. Taken out of context, however, it seems to me a fabulous idea. Let's tailor humans to live underwater. Or in space. Certainly, wings and immortality would be the least of the changes I'd like to see take place.
People don't mind growing old.
Um. Which people are these? The most people hope to achieve is a kind of wise acceptance of their mortality by the time their end becomes an incipient possibility. Give people the chance to live as long as they want, though, and they'd all be vying for the chance to be the first bicentegenarian triple-jump champions. Or the desired equivalent in 200 years.

My personal favourite was this offering from the University of Belfast:

people with high IQ results from 1937 were much more likely to be alive 60 years later than people with low ones.
No, really? And being equipped to deal with the consequences of a 2nd World War, the concomitant technological explosion and the various vagaries of modern capitalist economics requires a 60-year study to be deemed beneficial to longevity?

Scientists! Gotta love 'em. Bless.


ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh gawd. Living forever is an utterly terrifying prospect. Staying young for 200 years and then dying in a quick, dignified and painless manner, however, would be brilliant.

I want to live for 200 years as a young mermaid. Can they make that happen? How about a mermaid with wings? Now we're talking...

Anonymous said...

I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money, scroob, that come the last day of your year 200, you'd be up for another day - or year, or decade, or century. I mean come on; if you're healthy and active at 200 why suddenly decide to kill yourself?