Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Mind dump

Life the last few weeks has been a strange mixture of frenetic and withdrawn. There's the usual Spring fever of increased physicality (squash, skating, etc) and sudden thunderous depressions of apathy and disinterest. I missed most of the May bank holiday weekend through a debilitating malaise of unknown origin and nature, but managed a grassy knoll comeback on the Monday to compensate. Although I haven't managed to finish a Wednesday night Londonskate yet, due to Winter Atrophy, I'm increasing my endurance each week, and can see completion on the not-too-distant horizon.

Tomorrow's the general election and, for the first time, I get to vote. So I'm voting. The same arguments apply to an abstention now as did during my Uni days, but now it seems churlish to throw away the opportunity to "play my part". I wonder if the politicians saying that realise they're asking their constituents to amuse themselves with the process, rather than "work their part", but I doubt it, somehow.

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