Friday, October 14, 2005

What would Jesus draw?

So, it's been discovered that mischievous engineers have been etching their own additions on microchips. Hardly surprising, though, considering the de facto assumption of easter eggs and back doors in almost every piece of software floating around out there. Graffiti does seem to be a hardwired human response. It makes me wonder what we're going to find scrawled on our DNA once we can resolve it in sufficient detail. After all, if we were made in a god's image *cough* chances are the same impulses will have been at work during creation. My money's on "Evolution negates warranty." What's your bet?


ScroobiousScrivener said...

"Evolution negates warranty"! Mwahahaha!

Or maybe just, "told you so".

glo said...

Great post. Great idea. I'll betcha anything it says "this side up"