Wednesday, January 11, 2006


At a time of year traditionally associated with turkey stew in the freezer, nude pine trees in the compost heap and half-baked, frenzied attempts carefully planned approaches at a new start, the pressure to subject yourself to a resolution of one sort or another is almost overwhelming.

My coping mechanism involves setting a seemingly reasonable target, and then finding myself unable to meet it because of all the other things I've set in motion that are definitely not in any way resolutions at all, I swear to the gods, even if they look like it from a 3rd party perspective, it's all lies I tells ya. This year, I resolved to blog at least once a day, dooming it to failure from the start, and in that failure, I've succeeded.

What kept me from meeting this ill-fated obligation? Well, aside from the unforeseen New Year Cold 2006, and numerous hours force-feeding Zara's fledgling maths skills, we've had the alcohol drought - self-imposed, as a solidarity gesture for Zara's newest diet experiment - and learning to Lindy Hop. A mad remark on New Year's Eve has led to swing lessons. Well, will lead to swing lessons, as soon as 1st semester exams are over. Xmas Gut 2005 seems to require some attempt at exercise, and dancing is as good a way as any, and better than most. Besides, who never wanted to wear a short skirt and ankle socks and be flung around like a cheerleader's baton? oh?! only the girls get that? Damn! Ahem!

As for an achievable blog resolution, expect to see far more inanity than hitherto. I'm tired of being sensible and edutaining in my blogs. 2006 will be the year of the prancing Greg. With a 1000 Nellies!


NikolaAnne said...

Besides, who never wanted to wear a short skirt and ankle socks and be flung around like a cheerleader's baton? oh?! only the girls get that? Damn! Ahem!


ScroobiousScrivener said...

1) All in favour of inanity, though I am consistently impressed with the serious thoughts you express here - always a sharp insight and/or surprising perspective.

2) Yay dancing! Beloved gave me an IOU for dance lessons for Christmas - we have yet to decide exactly what kind, where, when etc. But there's clearly something in the air. Swing sounds great, but I suspect your class won't be anywhere handy for us...