Friday, January 05, 2007

Xmas spin

Contrary to appearances, it's been a remarkably eventful few weeks. Come to think of it, that's not contrary to appearances at all, merely contrary to my rate of journalling.

I've survived hosting a quite literally insane number of lunches/dinners/drinks, not to mention all the events I've had to attend elsewhere. I shouldn't complain, I guess; 'tis the season to overindulge on all fronts so, by all accounts, I've had a successful Xmas. I've been quite spoilt on the gift front too; dvd's, books, clothing, games and scents have showered down, and I've even finally had Sky+ installed, compliments of an unexpected salary bonus.

Fate gives, and she takes away. The Sky+ engineers cunningly severed our NTL broadband cable, and have been recalcitrant in returning to fix the mistake. Also, as if capitalising on my incipient citizenship, a jury summons has arrived for me, and I will be serving Her Majesty in Her courts for at least the first two weeks of February. How Clotho must have been laughing.

But I am still full of the bliss of my first festive week off in 9 years, which ended in a kick-ass Bond party on New Years' Eve, at which I won a Texas Hold 'em poker tournament, and a flying visit to a 50's swing club in Soho for the midnight countdown. Now I just have to hold on to that feeling in the face of the January blues.

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