Monday, April 18, 2005

Chemistry 101

The atom is like a chocolate Whisper with little bowling pins stuck in it, the nucleus being the biscuity goodness in the middle, full of protons and nuetrons, the chocolate layer representing the s-orbital space of highest likelihood of finding up to the first 2 electrons, and the pins showing the best chance p-orbital space of up to the next 6 electrons.

I think Zara may need a professional tutor. I was astounded to discover that, with 1st year Chemistry on the horizon, Zara did not know even the simplest physical chemistry, like the structure of the atom or the arrangement of the Periodic Table of Elements. We went through some simple aspects in bed on Saturday morning, and the above analogy was the conclusion of a half hour of casual discussion. It works, but it's taking too long to even get the foundations laid to look at GCSE Chemistry, never mind the A-level work normally required for entry to university. Eep!

1 comment:

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Eeep indeed! Very cute analogy, though I'm slightly puzzled as to why a perfectly good Whisper should be saddled with bowling pins, of all things. I guess that's not exactly the point.