Thursday, April 07, 2005

Four years

It's our 4th wedding anniversary today. Our 1st 4th, anyway, with the next coming up in a week's time. Yay us! We pre-empted things a little by having our anniversary meal last night, since Zara will be home late this evening from school. In truth, we didn't know it was going to be our anniversary meal until I got to Dean's before going out (yes, her boyfriend was at our anniversary meal. Figures, don't it). I had her anniversary gift with me, having intended to smuggle it into the house after hiding at at work the last few weeks, and she asked me what was in the bag, and could she look. When I, naturally, refused, she wanted to know if it was for her and when she'd be allowed to see. I blithely replied, "Tomorrow, of course." She looked at me blankly, and then asked, "Why tomorrow, specifically?" Yes, ladies and gentlefolk, my wife had forgotten our anniversary entirely. Furthermore, when she began thinking of something to do tonight to make it up to me, she realised she has a parents' evening tonight. So we had an early anniversary dinner. With Dean.

I may need to get our anniversary date inscribed on her gift so she might remember it next year.


ScroobiousScrivener said...

There's something utterly apt about that story. But yay you! Yay anniversaries! Hm, four years - apparently that's fruit/flowers (traditional) or appliances (modern). I don't think you're inscribing anything on any of those, unless Zara's in for a very romantic toaster.

greg said...

Yeah, well, the flowers thing has been done already this year, and I didn't want to get anything too girly (flowery skirt, or porcelain basket or something). Fruit! You're kidding. No. And appliances don't make for a romantic gift, now do they, unless you buy them together as a couple anniversary effort. I played a bit loose with the rules and bought her what I've interpreted as a personal appliance - a new watch. She's been getting by with cheapies because she keeps losing/breaking/wetting them and can't bear to lose an expensive one, but I thought it high time to have her wear something attractive on her wrist.