Saturday, February 11, 2006

Laughing lest we cry

They might want us gone (and want us to want ourselves gone), but at least we'll go laughing! Out of a desire to find out more about the mind behind these treasures, I tracked down Nina Paley's site, to find some astounding animation. It's all worth watching, but I'll admit to a few favourites. fetch plays with perspective and preconception in the most delightful way, while Sita Sings the Blues is a master class in cultural fusion. My favourite, though, would have to be stork (also on the VHEMT site) for the memorable notion of storks as bombing squadrons and that stirring image of the fleeing deer.

Lovers of Anti-Valentine (oh so topical right now) and, more relevantly, 'tis the Season will also probably enjoy Nina's Christmas Resistance Movement, complete with blog.

Isn't there some kind of Talent Tax we can levy on the disproportionately blessed?

1 comment:

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Awwww! Fetch is really ridiculously cute.